(07) 827 7340

Recently we started using an Ecosafe Parts Washer.

The Ecosafe Washer operates on an Bioremediation process that
converts hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide, with no waste
produced. The powerful aqueous cleaning agent works quickly to remove
the toughest grease and eliminates side effects commonly associated with
using chemicals.

Bioremediation is the use of biological agents such as microbes or
plants to break down or neutralize “hazardous substances” or
“contaminants” thereby removing dangerous chemicals in the environment.
The process of bioremediation is listed as one of the Environmental
Protection Agency’s (EPA) innovative technologies.

The OzzyJuice degreasing solutions used in the EcoSafe Washer are
non-hazardous, non-corrosive, pH neutral, non-flammable, non-toxic,
non-caustic, aqueous-based degreasing solutions. They are not known to
cause damage to humans or the environment. When used in accordance with
directions they DO NOT create liquid hazardous wastes or produce
cradle-to-grave liabilities.

The environmentally-friendly, people-friendly, 100% aqueous answer to high-performance parts washing